Since 1999 we’ve been working with people like you to bring digital products to market
With demand for software developers growing every year, it becomes more and more difficult for startups to source the right technical talent. Moreover, at the concept stage, the risks are high and money is tight. It can be difficult to pay high developer fees and only the very brave are able to join you (unless you are lucky enough to have a technical co-founder).
Given these financial constraints, many founders choose to work with Integrum because of our flexible fee structure that includes accepting a share of equity as payment.
We will build your MVP or version 1.0 for a share of equity in your startup
At the growth stage, when money is flowing, many startups continue to struggle to source high quality developers to work on their legacy systems. Developers are not only put off by the inherited technical debt but the lack of excitement and agility commonplace within early stage startups. Furthermore, technology professionals often find it more attractive to work for a software company with multiple projects that offers better opportunities for continuous professional development.
Given the perception that outsourced teams are indifferent to a startups’ business objectives it is no surprise that founders are hesitant to explore the option.
We dive deeper into your business to not only do things right, but to do the right things
At Integrum we approach things differently. Not only do we deliver ‘on time and on budget’ against a spec, we also dig deeper, consider the wider issues and plan ahead. We are a switched on dev team that not only understands technical challenges but also embraces business goals. We challenge assumptions, provide timely feedback and support you as technical decisions are made.
Additionally, we offer a wider set of skills encompassing product design, growth hacking and customer development which we’ve acquired over the past two decades. Having successfully developed and launched new products for ourselves and our clients, Integrum has a unique startup DNA that we’re willing to share with the right founders.
We have a long and successful history helping founders to launch their products
Software engineers, testers, infrastructure specialists, user experience designers
Technical leads with great comms skills and the drive to understand your business
We’ve started working with the founder where his team consisted only of him and a freelance video producer. We’ve spent next five years building technology, first working along, and later alongside the in-house team. In 2015 the company exited with 15m turnover and 5m profit.
Meet a team of professionals who will help you build, launch and grow your MVP, then exit.
Kanbanchi MVP was launched on Google Marketplace only 3 months after initial concept. In 2 weeks we had 2000 users, and one month later became we had the best rated app in the marketplace within the task management category. Kanbanchi is 100% bootstrapped, and profitable.
We’ve started this project from an early concept stage, helping the founder to clarify the idea, and then build a first working version for an equity. For the next couple of years we were maintaining and extending the application, finally transfering all development in house. In 3 years this startup achieved 4m valuation, and in every investment round was over-founded.
To find out more about the value we can add to your
startup, contact us for a friendly, informal chat.